A5 Drawing series Matt Collier This series of original small drawings are now-for-sale. New drawings will also appear on MatteoCollier@Instagram posts. ‘Blossoming Painful, they said’. Ink, pencil, oil pastel on A5 paper. ‘Mechanical Pivot IV’. Pencil, ink, oil pastel on A5. 2020. ‘Neoplasm (Triptych)’. Pencil, oil pastel, ink on 3x A5 paper. 2021. ‘Measuring Flow Rate Micro Orafice Plate’ Pencil, ink, oil pastel on A5. 2020. ‘Anti-inflammatory Peak Experience’. Pen, ink, oil pastel on paper 19.9×13.5cm 2021 Dirty Rainbow Anus Excretion (even so I want to be your favourite’. A5 paper. 2020. ‘Excrete in, excrete out’. A5 Pencil, ink, oil pastel on paper. 2020. ‘Angry Organs (don’t bother to come back)’ Pencil, oil pastel, ink A5 on paper. 2020 ‘Micro-environmental Succubus’. ‘Hypoxic micro-environment expression suppression’. ‘Micro-environmental Progeneration’.